About AG Hanson Construction Ltd.
Built on a foundation of quality and trust. AG Hanson is a Lower Mainland-based General Contracting company, specializing in Industrial and Commercial construction projects.
Our ownership team is directly involved in day-to-day activities, assuring our clients receive the highest quality work – on time, and on budget.
Our Affiliations
Construction Maintenance and Allied Workers
CMAW is a diverse union of over 7000 members including carpenters, carpenter apprentices, lathers, millwrights, floorlayers, piledrivers, industrial workers and many other construction trades and school board employees. They are the largest union representing construction workers in British Columbia.
BROWZ delivers assurance that your business is working with safe, qualified, and socially responsible contractors and suppliers.
AG Hanson Construction Ltd. is Browz Compliant.
Through ISNetworld, ISN maintains safety and procurement information, facilitating the qualification process for multiple Hiring Clients at once.
AG Hanson Construction Ltd. is a member of ISN.